IBSS Collection of Marine Parasites

Slide 1400.C

Cestodes in Canada Balsam

Host species: Digestive tract of Prionace glauca (Fishes)
Region:Pacific Ocean
Collected by:Gordeev Ilya
Identified by:Polyakova Tatyana
1400.C.3l.v25-30 Platybothrium auriculatum Yamaguti, 1952 Vaucher adult, wholemount
1400.C.45.v0 Scyphophyllidium incognitus Gordeev, Polyakova, in press Vaucher adult, wholemount

1396.Tr 1397.C 1398.C 1399.C 1400.C 1401.C 1402.C 1403.C 1404.Tr