IBSS Collection of Marine Parasites
Marine parasites → Platyhelminthes → Trematoda → Plagiorchiida → Didymozoidae → Platocystis →

Platocystis indica (Nikolaeva & Dubina, 1978) parasite in collection

Dermatodidymocystis indicus Nikolaeva & Dubina, 1978

Type host

Thunnus obesus (Lowe, 1839)

Type locality

Indian Ocean, Comoro Islands


First published in

Nikolayeva V.M., Dubina V.R. 1978. New Didymozoidae species from the fishes of the Indian Ocean. Biologiya morya. 45. P. 71–89 (in Russian).

Specimens in collection

exemplar found in host
306.Tr.i8.h holotype gravid wholemount 0000-00-00 Indian Ocean, Comoro Islands Thunnus obesus
306.Tr.i8.p1-4 paratype gravid wholemount 0000-00-00 Indian Ocean, Comoro Islands Thunnus obesus
307.Tr.i8.v5-12 vaucher gravid wholemount 0000-00-00 Indian Ocean, Comoro Islands Thunnus obesus
308.Tr.i8.v13-15 vaucher gravid wholemount 0000-00-00 Indian Ocean, Comoro Islands Thunnus obesus
309.Tr.i8.v16-21 vaucher gravid wholemount 0000-00-00 Indian Ocean, Comoro Islands Thunnus obesus


Platocystis indica (Nikolaeva & Dubina, 1978)
