IBSS Collection of Marine Parasites
Marine parasites → Platyhelminthes → Trematoda → Plagiorchiida → Opecoelidae → Cainocreadium →

Cainocreadium sp. parasite in collection

Other host

Gaidropsarus mediterraneus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Other locality

Black Sea, off Sevastopol

Nucleotide sequences

18S, ITS1 and 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence deposited in GenBank:
MG980643 18S, ITS1, 5.8S paragenophore 1178.Tr.37.v1
MG980644 18S, ITS1, 5.8S paragenophore 1178.Tr.37.v1

Specimens in collection

exemplar found in host
1178.Tr.37.v1 vaucher adult wholemount 0000-00-00 Black Sea, off Sevastopol Gaidropsarus mediterraneus


Cainocreadium flesi Korniychuk & Gaevskaya, 2000
Cainocreadium sp.
