IBSS Collection of Marine Parasites
Marine parasites → Platyhelminthes → Monogenea → Mazocraeidea → Microcotylidae → Metamicrocotyla →

Metamicrocotyla sp. parasite in collection

Other hosts

Valamugil speigleri (Bleeker, 1858); Moolgarda seheli (Forssk?l, 1775)

Other locality

South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam

Specimens in collection

exemplar found in host
1179.M.3a.v1 vaucher adult wholemount 2018-03-27 South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Valamugil speigleri
1180.M.3a.v2 vaucher adult wholemount 2018-03-18 South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Valamugil speigleri
1181.M.v3a.v3 vaucher adult part of specimen 2018-04-14 South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Moolgarda seheli
1194.M.3a.v4 vaucher adult part of specimen 2018-03-27 South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Valamugil speigleri
1195.M.3a.v5 vaucher adult part of specimen 2018-03-27 South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Valamugil speigleri


Metamicrocotyla sp.
