IBSS Collection of Marine Parasites
Marine parasites → Platyhelminthes → Cestoda → Onchoproteocephalidea → Oncobothriidae → Onchobothrium →

Onchobothrium malachovi Polyakova & Gordeev in press parasite in collection

Type host

Bathyraja sexoculata Misawa, Orlov, Orlova, Gordeev & Ishihara, 2020

Type locality

Sea of Okhotsk, Simushir Island

Other locality

Pacific Ocean, Simushir Island

Specimens in collection

exemplar found in host
1245.C.3g.hol holotype adult part of specimen 2017-03-24 Sea of Okhotsk, Simushir Island Bathyraja sexoculata
1246.C.3g.hol holotype adult part of specimen 2017-03-24 Sea of Okhotsk, Simushir Island Bathyraja sexoculata
1247.C.3g.hol holotype adult part of specimen 2017-03-24 Sea of Okhotsk, Simushir Island Bathyraja sexoculata
1242.C.3g.p1-4 paratype adult part of specimen 2017-03-24 Sea of Okhotsk, Simushir Island Bathyraja sexoculata
1243.C.3g.p5 paratype adult part of specimen 2017-03-24 Sea of Okhotsk, Simushir Island Bathyraja sexoculata
1244.C.3g.p6-7 paratype adult part of specimen 2017-03-24 Sea of Okhotsk, Simushir Island Bathyraja sexoculata
1248.C.3g.p8 paratype adult part of specimen 2017-03-24 Sea of Okhotsk, Simushir Island Bathyraja sexoculata
1249.C.3g.p9 paratype adult part of specimen 2017-03-24 Sea of Okhotsk, Simushir Island Bathyraja sexoculata
1250.C.3g.p10 paratype adult part of specimen 2017-03-24 Sea of Okhotsk, Simushir Island Bathyraja sexoculata
1251.C.3g.p11 paratype adult part of specimen 2017-03-24 Sea of Okhotsk, Simushir Island Bathyraja sexoculata
1252.C.3g.p12 paratype adult part of specimen 2017-03-24 Sea of Okhotsk, Simushir Island Bathyraja sexoculata
1253.C.3g.p13 paratype adult part of specimen 2017-03-24 Sea of Okhotsk, Simushir Island Bathyraja sexoculata
1254.C.3g.p14-15 paratype adult part of specimen 2017-03-24 Sea of Okhotsk, Simushir Island Bathyraja sexoculata
1255.C.3g.p16 paratype adult part of specimen 2017-03-24 Sea of Okhotsk, Simushir Island Bathyraja sexoculata
1256.C.3g.p17 paratype gravid part of specimen 2017-03-24 Sea of Okhotsk, Simushir Island Bathyraja sexoculata
1257.C.3g.p18-19 paratype adult part of specimen 2017-03-24 Sea of Okhotsk, Simushir Island Bathyraja sexoculata
1258.C.3g.p20-21 paratype adult part of specimen 2017-03-24 Sea of Okhotsk, Simushir Island Bathyraja sexoculata
1259.C.3g.p22 paratype adult part of specimen 2017-03-24 Sea of Okhotsk, Simushir Island Bathyraja sexoculata
1339.C.3g.v23 vaucher adult part of specimen 0000-00-00 Pacific Ocean, Simushir Island Bathyraja sexoculata


Onchobothrium malachovi Polyakova & Gordeev in press
