IBSS Collection of Marine Parasites
Marine parasites → Calicotyle →

Calicotyle confusus parasite in collection

Type host

Okamejei boesemani (Ishihara, 1987)

Type locality

South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam

Specimens in collection

exemplar found in host
1435.M.4f.hol holotype adult wholemount 2022-11-17 South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Okamejei boesemani
1433.M.4f.p1-2 paratype adult wholemount 2019-11-14 South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Okamejei boesemani
1434.M.4f.p3-5 paratype adult wholemount 2022-11-17 South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Okamejei boesemani
1435.M.4f.p6-8 paratype adult wholemount 2022-11-17 South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Okamejei boesemani
1436.M.4f.p9-10 paratype adult wholemount 2022-11-17 South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Okamejei boesemani


Calicotyle confusus
