IBSS Collection of Marine Parasites
Marine parasites → Platyhelminthes → Trematoda → Plagiorchiida → Didymozoidae → Koellikeria →

Koellikeria filicollis (Rudolphi, 1819) parasite in collection

Koellikeria okeni (Koelliker, 1849) Cobbold, 1860

Other host

Brama brama (Bonnaterre, 1788)

Other locality

North Sea


First published in

Nikolaeva V. M. 1978. On revision of the Koellikerinae subfamily (Trematoda, Didymozoidae). Biologiya morja. 45. P. 65-71 (In Russian).

Specimens in collection

exemplar found in host
378.Tr.97.v1 vaucher gravid wholemount 0000-00-00 Brama brama
379.Tr.97.v2-4 vaucher gravid wholemount 0000-00-00 Brama brama
380.Tr.97.v5 vaucher gravid wholemount 0000-00-00 North Sea Brama brama


Koellikeria filicollis (Rudolphi, 1819)
Koellikeria inbumi Nikolaeva & Mordvinova, 1988
Koellikeria okeni (Koelliker, 1849) Cobbold, 1860
