IBSS Collection of Marine Parasites
  Parasite Region Host
1301 1305.M Slide Monogeneans Meditteranean Sea, Aquarium of Cala Gonone, Sardinia Fishes: Salaria basilisca (Valenciennes, 1836)
1305.M.3o.v88-94 Vaucher 7× Gyrodactylus gerasevi adult, wholemount    
1302 1306.M Slide Monogeneans Meditteranean Sea, Aquarium of Cala Gonone, Sardinia Fishes: Salaria basilisca (Valenciennes, 1836)
1306.M.3o.v95-99 Vaucher 5× Gyrodactylus gerasevi adult, wholemount    
1303 1307.M Slide Monogeneans Meditteranean Sea, Aquarium of Cala Gonone, Sardinia Fishes: Salaria basilisca (Valenciennes, 1836)
1307.M.3o.v100-104 Vaucher 5× Gyrodactylus gerasevi adult, wholemount    
1304 1308.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1308.M.8s.v65 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1305 1309.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1309.M.8s.v66 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1306 1310.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1310.M.8s.v67 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1307 1311.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1311.M.8s.v68 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1308 1312.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1312.M.8s.v69 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1309 1313.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1313.M.8s.v70 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1310 1314.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1314.M.8s.v71 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1311 1315.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1315.M.8s.v72 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1312 1316.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1316.M.8s.v73 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1313 1317.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1317.M.8s.v74 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1314 1318.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1318.M.8s.v75 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1315 1319.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1319.M.8s.v76 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1316 1320.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1320.M.8s.v77 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1317 1321.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1321.M.8s.v78 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1318 1322.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1322.M.8s.v79 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1319 1323.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1323.M.8s.v80 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1320 1324.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1324.M.8s.v81 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1321 1325.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1325.M.8s.v82 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1322 1326.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1326.M.8s.v83 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1323 1327.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1327.M.8s.v84 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1324 1328.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1328.M.8s.v85 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1325 1329.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1329.M.8s.v86 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1326 1330.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Sevastopol Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1330.M.8s.v87 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus sphinx Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 adult, wholemount    
1327 1331.Tr Slide Trematodes Black Sea, Kerch channel (Naberezhnoe) Fishes: Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758
1331.Tr.3k.v1-3 Vaucher 3× Haplosplanchnus pachysoma (Eysenhardt, 1829) Looss, 1902 gravid, wholemount    
1328 1332.Tr Slide Trematodes Black Sea, Kerch channel (Naberezhnoe) Fishes: Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758
1332.Tr.3k.v4-6 Vaucher 3× Haplosplanchnus pachysoma (Eysenhardt, 1829) Looss, 1902 gravid, wholemount    
1329 1333.Tr Slide Trematodes Black Sea, Kerch channel (Naberezhnoe) Fishes: Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758
1333.Tr.3k.v7-10 Vaucher 4× Haplosplanchnus pachysoma (Eysenhardt, 1829) Looss, 1902 gravid, wholemount    
1330 1334.Tr Slide Trematodes Sea of Azov, Kerch channel Fishes: Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758
1334.Tr.3k.v11 Vaucher 1× Haplosplanchnus pachysoma (Eysenhardt, 1829) Looss, 1902 gravid, wholemount    
1331 1335.Tr Slide Trematodes Sea of Azov, Kerch channel Fishes: Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758
1335.Tr.3k.v12-13 Vaucher 2× Haplosplanchnus pachysoma (Eysenhardt, 1829) Looss, 1902 gravid, wholemount    
1332 1336.Tr Slide Trematodes Sea of Azov, Kerch channel Fishes: Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758
1336.Tr.3k.v14-15 Vaucher 2× Haplosplanchnus pachysoma (Eysenhardt, 1829) Looss, 1902 gravid, wholemount    
1333 1339.C Slide Cestodes Pacific Ocean, Simushir Island Fishes: Bathyraja sexoculata Misawa, Orlov, Orlova, Gordeev & Ishihara, 2020
1339.C.3g.v23 Vaucher 1× Onchobothrium malachovi Polyakova & Gordeev in press adult, part of specimen    
1334 1340.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Osteomugil cunnesius (Valenciennes, 1836)
1340.Mx.3p.v1 Vaucher 1× Kudoa dicentrarchi (Sitj?-Bobadilla & Alvarez-Pellitero, 1992) spores    
1340.Mx.3q.syn1 Syntype 1× Kudoa igori Yurakhno et al., in press spores    
1340.Mx.3r.syn1 Syntype 1× Myxidium sp. 1 Yurakhno et al., in press spores    
1335 1341.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Osteomugil cunnesius (Valenciennes, 1836)
1341.Mx.3u.syn1 Syntype 1× Kudoa borimiri n. sp. spores    
1336 1342.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Osteomugil cunnesius (Valenciennes, 1836)
1342.Mx.3u.syn2 Syntype 1× Kudoa borimiri n. sp. spores    
1337 1343.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Osteomugil cunnesius (Valenciennes, 1836)
1343.Mx.3u.syn3 Syntype 1× Kudoa borimiri n. sp. spores    
1338 1344.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Osteomugil cunnesius (Valenciennes, 1836)
1344.Mx.3u.syn4 Syntype 1× Kudoa borimiri n. sp. spores    
1339 1345.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Osteomugil perusii (Valenciennes, 1836)
1345.Mx.3u.syn5 Syntype 1× Kudoa borimiri n. sp. spores    
1340 1346.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Decapterus russeli (R?ppell, 1830)
1346.Mx.3v.v1 Vaucher 1× Kudoa thyrsites (Gilchrist, 1923) spores    
1341 1347.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Decapterus russeli (R?ppell, 1830)
1347.Mx.3v.v2 Vaucher 1× Kudoa thyrsites (Gilchrist, 1923) spores    
1342 1348.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Decapterus russeli (R?ppell, 1830)
1348.Mx.3v.v3 Vaucher 1× Kudoa thyrsites (Gilchrist, 1923) spores    
1343 1349.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Decapterus russeli (R?ppell, 1830)
1349.Mx.3v.v4 Vaucher 1× Kudoa thyrsites (Gilchrist, 1923) spores    
1344 1350.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Decapterus russeli (R?ppell, 1830)
1350.Mx.3v.v5 Vaucher 1× Kudoa thyrsites (Gilchrist, 1923) spores    
1345 1351.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Abudefduf vaigiensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825)
1351.Mx.3w.v1 Vaucher 1× Kudoa whippsi Burger & Adlard, 2010 spores    
1346 1352.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Abudefduf vaigiensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825)
1352.Mx.3w.v2 Vaucher 1× Kudoa whippsi Burger & Adlard, 2010 spores    
1347 1353.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Abudefduf vaigiensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825)
1353.Mx.3w.v3 Vaucher 1× Kudoa whippsi Burger & Adlard, 2010 spores    
1348 1354.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Osteomugil cunnesius (Valenciennes, 1836)
1354.Mx.3p.v2 Vaucher 1× Kudoa dicentrarchi (Sitj?-Bobadilla & Alvarez-Pellitero, 1992) spores    
1354.Mx.3y.v1 Vaucher 1× Henneguya sp. spores    
1349 1355.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Osteomugil cunnesius (Valenciennes, 1836)
1355.Mx.3p.v3 Vaucher 1× Kudoa dicentrarchi (Sitj?-Bobadilla & Alvarez-Pellitero, 1992) spores    
1355.Mx.3z.v1 Vaucher 1× Myxobolus sp. 1 spores    
1350 1356.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, off Sevastopol Fishes: Symphodus tinca (Linnaeus, 1758)
1356.M.7t.v1-8 Vaucher 8× Gyrodactylus crenilabri Zaika, 1966 adult, wholemount    
1351 1357.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, off Sevastopol Fishes: Symphodus tinca (Linnaeus, 1758)
1357.M.7t.v9-14 Vaucher 6× Gyrodactylus crenilabri Zaika, 1966 adult, wholemount    
1352 1358.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, off Sevastopol Fishes: Symphodus tinca (Linnaeus, 1758)
1358.M.7t.v15-19 Vaucher 5× Gyrodactylus crenilabri Zaika, 1966 adult, wholemount    
1353 1359.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea Fishes: Symphodus tinca (Linnaeus, 1758)
1359.M.7t.v20-22 Vaucher 3× Gyrodactylus crenilabri Zaika, 1966 adult, wholemount    
1354 1360.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, off Sevastopol Fishes: Symphodus tinca (Linnaeus, 1758)
1360.M.7t.v23-26 Vaucher 4× Gyrodactylus crenilabri Zaika, 1966 adult, wholemount    
1355 1361.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Balaklava Bay, Sevastopol Fishes: Symphodus tinca (Linnaeus, 1758)
1361.M.7t.v27-30 Vaucher 4× Gyrodactylus crenilabri Zaika, 1966 adult, wholemount    
1356 1362.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, off Sevastopol Fishes: Symphodus roissali (Risso, 1810)
1362.M.7t.v31-35 Vaucher 5× Gyrodactylus crenilabri Zaika, 1966 adult, wholemount    
1357 1363.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, Balaklava Bay, Sevastopol Fishes: Symphodus roissali (Risso, 1810)
1363.M.7t.v36 Vaucher 1× Gyrodactylus crenilabri Zaika, 1966 adult, wholemount    
1358 1364.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, off Sevastopol Fishes: Symphodus roissali (Risso, 1810)
1364.M.7t.v37-38 Vaucher 2× Gyrodactylus crenilabri Zaika, 1966 adult, wholemount    
1359 1365.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, off Sevastopol Fishes: Symphodus roissali (Risso, 1810)
1365.M.7t.v39-43 Vaucher 5× Gyrodactylus crenilabri Zaika, 1966 adult, wholemount    
1360 1366.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, off Sevastopol Fishes: Symphodus ocellatus Forssk?l, 1775
1366.M.7t.v44-48 Vaucher 5× Gyrodactylus crenilabri Zaika, 1966 adult, wholemount    
1361 1367.M Slide Monogeneans Black Sea, off Sevastopol Fishes: Symphodus ocellatus Forssk?l, 1775
1367.M.7t.v49-54 Vaucher 6× Gyrodactylus crenilabri Zaika, 1966 adult, wholemount    
1362 1369.Tr Slide Trematodes Black Sea, Severnaya Bay Fishes: Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus, 1758
1369.Tr.39.v2-15 Vaucher 14× Helicometra fasciata (Rudolphi, 1819) Odhner, 1902 adult, wholemount    
1363 1370.Cr Wet Crustaceans South Ocean, off the Powell basin, of the South Orkney Islands Fishes: Bathylagus antarcticus G?nther, 1878
1370.Cr.40.v1 Vaucher 1× Paeonocanthus antarcticensis Hewitt, 1965 gravid, wholemount    
1364 1371.Cr Wet Crustaceans South Ocean, off the Powell basin, of the South Orkney Islands Fishes: Bathylagus antarcticus G?nther, 1878
1371.Cr.40.v2 Vaucher 1× Paeonocanthus antarcticensis Hewitt, 1965 gravid, wholemount    
1365 1372.Cr Wet Crustaceans South Ocean, off the Powell basin, of the South Orkney Islands Fishes: Bathylagus antarcticus G?nther, 1878
1372.Cr.40.v3 Vaucher 1× Paeonocanthus antarcticensis Hewitt, 1965 gravid, wholemount    
1366 1373.Cr Wet Crustaceans South Ocean, off the Powell basin, of the South Orkney Islands Fishes: Bathylagus antarcticus G?nther, 1878
1373.Cr.40.v4 Vaucher 1× Paeonocanthus antarcticensis Hewitt, 1965 gravid, part of specimen    
1367 1374.Cr Wet Crustaceans South Ocean, off the Powell basin, of the South Orkney Islands Fishes: Bathylagus antarcticus G?nther, 1878
1374.Cr.40.v5 Vaucher 1× Paeonocanthus antarcticensis Hewitt, 1965 gravid, part of specimen    
1368 1375.Cr Wet Crustaceans South Ocean, off the Powell basin, of the South Orkney Islands Fishes: Bathylagus antarcticus G?nther, 1878
1375.Cr.41.v1 Vaucher 1× Sarcotretes sp. gravid, wholemount    
1369 1376.Cr Wet Crustaceans South Ocean, off the Powell basin, of the South Orkney Islands Fishes: Bathylagus antarcticus G?nther, 1878
1376.Cr.41.v2 Vaucher 1× Sarcotretes sp. gravid, part of specimen    
1370 1377.A Slide Acanthocephalans Black Sea, Karantinnaya Bay, Sevastopol Fishes: Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus, 1758
1377.A.1t.v167 Vaucher 1× Acanthocephaloides propinquus (Dujardin, 1845) Meyer, 1933 gravid, wholemount    
1377.A.1t.v168 Vaucher 1× Acanthocephaloides propinquus (Dujardin, 1845) Meyer, 1933 adult, wholemount    
1371 1378.A Slide Acanthocephalans Black Sea, Martynova Bay, Sevastopol Fishes: Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus, 1758
1378.A.1t.v169 Vaucher 1× Acanthocephaloides propinquus (Dujardin, 1845) Meyer, 1933 adult, wholemount    
1372 1379.C Slide Cestodes Black Sea, Karantinnaya Bay, Sevastopol Fishes: Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus, 1758
1379.C.is.v7-8 Vaucher 2× Progrillotia dasyatidis Beveridge, Neifar et Euzet, 2004 larvae, wholemount    
1373 1380.C Slide Cestodes Black Sea, Aleksandrovskaya Bay, Sevastopol Fishes: Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus, 1758
1380.C.is.v9-11 Vaucher 3× Progrillotia dasyatidis Beveridge, Neifar et Euzet, 2004 larvae, wholemount    
1374 1381.C Slide Cestodes Black Sea, Aleksandrovskaya Bay, Sevastopol Fishes: Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus, 1758
1381.C.is.v12-13 Vaucher 2× Progrillotia dasyatidis Beveridge, Neifar et Euzet, 2004 larvae, wholemount    
1375 1383.N Slide Nematodes Black Sea, Karantinnaya Bay, Sevastopol Fishes: Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus, 1758
1383.N.2s.v10 Vaucher 1× Cosmocephalus obvelatus (Creplin, 1825) larvae, wholemount    
1376 1384.N Slide Nematodes Black Sea, Aleksandrovskaya Bay, Sevastopol Fishes: Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus, 1758
1384.N.2r.v1 Vaucher 1× Hysterothylacium aduncum (Rudolphi, 1802) adult, wholemount    
1377 1385.A Slide Acanthocephalans Black Sea, Martynova Bay, Sevastopol Fishes: Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus, 1758
1385.A.28.v32 Vaucher 1× Telosentis exiguus (von Linstow, 1901) adult, wholemount    
1378 1386.N Slide Nematodes Black Sea, Batiliman Fishes: Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus, 1758
1386.N.2x.v4-5 Vaucher 2× Ascarophis pontica Nicolaeva, 1970 adult, wholemount    
1379 1387.N Slide Nematodes Black Sea, Karantinnaya Bay, Sevastopol Fishes: Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus, 1758
1387.N.2x.v6 Vaucher 1× Ascarophis pontica Nicolaeva, 1970 adult, wholemount    
1380 1388.N Slide Nematodes Black Sea, Aleksandrovskaya Bay, Sevastopol Fishes: Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus, 1758
1388.N.2p.v8 Vaucher 1× Contracaecum rudolphii Hartwich, 1964 larvae, wholemount    
1381 1390.Tr Slide Trematodes Black Sea, Gelendzhik Fishes: Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus, 1758
1390.Tr.39.v16 Vaucher 1× Helicometra fasciata (Rudolphi, 1819) Odhner, 1902 adult, wholemount    
1382 1391.Tr Slide Trematodes Black Sea, Balaklava Bay Fishes: Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus, 1758
1391.Tr.44.v1 Vaucher 1× Proctoeces maculatus (Looss, 1901) Odhner, 1911 non-gravid, wholemount    
1383 1392.Tr Slide Trematodes Black Sea, Karantinnaya Bay, Sevastopol Fishes: Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus, 1758
1392.Tr.43.v1-10 Vaucher 10× Galactosomum lacteum (J?gerski?ld, 1896) Looss, 1899 larvae, wholemount    
1384 1393.Tr Slide Trematodes Black Sea Fishes:
1393.Tr.39.v17-22 Vaucher 6× Helicometra fasciata (Rudolphi, 1819) Odhner, 1902 adult, wholemount    
1393.Tr.39.v23-26 Vaucher 4× Helicometra fasciata (Rudolphi, 1819) Odhner, 1902 adult, wholemount    
1393.Tr.39.v27-36 Vaucher 10× Helicometra fasciata (Rudolphi, 1819) Odhner, 1902 adult, wholemount    
1385 1394.Tr Slide Trematodes Black Sea, Karadag Nature Reserve Fishes: Symphodus cinereus (Bonnaterre, 1788)
1394.Tr.39.v37 Vaucher 1× Helicometra fasciata (Rudolphi, 1819) Odhner, 1902 gravid, wholemount    
1386 1395.Tr Slide Trematodes Black Sea, Gelendzhik Fishes: Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus, 1758
1395.Tr.39.v38-39 Vaucher 2× Helicometra fasciata (Rudolphi, 1819) Odhner, 1902 gravid, wholemount    
1387 1396.Tr Slide Trematodes Black Sea Fishes: Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
1396.Tr.39.v40-41 Vaucher 2× Helicometra fasciata (Rudolphi, 1819) Odhner, 1902 gravid, wholemount    
1396.Tr.39.v42 Vaucher 1× Helicometra fasciata (Rudolphi, 1819) Odhner, 1902 gravid, wholemount    
1388 1397.C Slide Cestodes Pacific Ocean Fishes: Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758)
1397.C.3l.v8-11 Vaucher 4× Platybothrium auriculatum Yamaguti, 1952 adult, wholemount    
1397.C.45.p0 Paratype 1× Scyphophyllidium incognitus Gordeev, Polyakova, in press adult, wholemount    
1389 1398.C Slide Cestodes Pacific Ocean Fishes: Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758)
1398.C.3l.v12-15 Vaucher 4× Platybothrium auriculatum Yamaguti, 1952 adult, wholemount    
1398.C.45.p0 Paratype 1× Scyphophyllidium incognitus Gordeev, Polyakova, in press adult, wholemount    
1398.C.45.v1 Vaucher 1× Scyphophyllidium incognitus Gordeev, Polyakova, in press adult, wholemount    
1390 1399.C Slide Cestodes Pacific Ocean Fishes: Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758)
1399.C.3l.v16-24 Vaucher 9× Platybothrium auriculatum Yamaguti, 1952 adult, wholemount    
1399.C.45.v0 Vaucher 1× Scyphophyllidium incognitus Gordeev, Polyakova, in press adult, wholemount    
1391 1400.C Slide Cestodes Pacific Ocean Fishes: Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758)
1400.C.3l.v25-30 Vaucher 6× Platybothrium auriculatum Yamaguti, 1952 adult, wholemount    
1400.C.45.v0 Vaucher 1× Scyphophyllidium incognitus Gordeev, Polyakova, in press adult, wholemount    
1392 1401.C Slide Cestodes Pacific Ocean Fishes: Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758)
1401.C.46.v2-12 Vaucher 11× Anthobothrium caseyi Ruhnke & Caira, 2009 adult, wholemount    
1393 1402.C Slide Cestodes Pacific Ocean Fishes: Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758)
1402.C.3l.v31 Vaucher 1× Platybothrium auriculatum Yamaguti, 1952 gravid, wholemount    
1402.C.46.v13-19 Vaucher 7× Anthobothrium caseyi Ruhnke & Caira, 2009 adult, wholemount    
1394 1403.C Slide Cestodes Pacific Ocean Fishes: Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758)
1403.C.46.v20-28 Vaucher 9× Anthobothrium caseyi Ruhnke & Caira, 2009 adult, wholemount    
1395 1404.Tr Slide Trematodes Black Sea, Kerch Strait (Naberezhnoe) Fishes: Syngnathus typhle L., 1758
1404.Tr.39.v43 Vaucher 1× Helicometra fasciata (Rudolphi, 1819) Odhner, 1902 adult, wholemount    
1396 1405.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Planiliza melinopterus (Valenciennes, 1836)
1405.Mx.3p.v4 Vaucher 1× Kudoa dicentrarchi (Sitj?-Bobadilla & Alvarez-Pellitero, 1992) spores    
1405.Mx.3z.v2 Vaucher 1× Myxobolus sp. 1 spores    
1405.Mx.48.syn1 Syntype 1× Ellipsomyxa gordeyi spores    
1405.Mx.49.v1 Vaucher 1× Ceratomyxa sp.1 spores    
1397 1406.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Planiliza melinopterus (Valenciennes, 1836)
1406.Mx.48.syn2 Syntype 1× Ellipsomyxa gordeyi spores    
1398 1407.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Planiliza melinopterus (Valenciennes, 1836)
1407.Mx.48.syn3 Syntype 1× Ellipsomyxa gordeyi spores    
1399 1408.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Planiliza melinopterus (Valenciennes, 1836)
1408.Mx.48.syn4 Syntype 1× Ellipsomyxa gordeyi spores    
1400 1409.Mx Slide Myxosporeans South China Sea, Nha Trang Bay, off south central coast of Vietnam Fishes: Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758
1409.Mx.48.v5 Vaucher 1× Ellipsomyxa gordeyi spores    
1409.Mx.4a.v1 Vaucher 1× Myxobolus sp. spores    

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